You really don't have to know this stuff to do RVFM: the DVD does a good job of introducing the subject.
The bulk of the financial markets are broadly broken in to five categories: equities, bonds, futures, options, and foreign currency exchange.
In short:
Equities - a portion of the value of a company
Bonds - a portion of a debt a company
Futures - a contract to acquire a quantity of a equity or commodity at a future date at a fixed price
Options (or CALLS and PUTS) - a option to buy or sell an equity by a future data at a fixed price
Foreign Currency Exchange (FOREX) - trading on the relative value of foreign currencies
In long:
Equities -
This is purchasing "equity" in a company. Equity is a component of value in the existance of the company. This is exactly like "equity in your house" except that your house has intrinsic value and the value of a company is a summation of its tangible and intangible properties. A gold mining company has the mine property (real property), and equipment (assets property) as tangible properties; it has employment contracts with clever geologists and mining engineers and business managers that make the company work as intangible properties. To some degree, any intellectual property (patents on a novel gold extraction process, for instance) and also potential properties. Valuating a gold mine with a good mine and bad people or a bad mine and good people, etc, allows you to determine what the value of the company is.
When buying equities you're trading MONEY for "stock", which is a portion of the company's value. Your REWARD is that the stock will GO UP IN VALUE over time, and your RISK is that it won't.
Equities are "bullish" investments: looking for the stock to GO UP IN VALUE (bulls poke up with their horns).
"Mutual Funds" are basically bundles of equities with a few exceptions (see below) which are traded as if they are equities, but can only be traded once a day.
"Exchange Traded Funds" (ETFs) are basically bundles of
equities with a few exceptions (see below) which are traded exactly like they are equities.
Stocks, Mutual Funds, and ETFs are identified by the exchange they are traded on and "ticker symbols":
NYSE:IBM ::= New York Stock Exchange - International Business Machines Corporation
NASDAQ:MSFT ::= National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations - Microsoft Corporation
NYSE:SPY ::= State Street Global Advisers SPDR ("spiders") Exchange Traded Fund (based upon the Standard & Poor's 500 index of 500 largest equities traded on American markets)
When selling equities you're trading "stock" for MONEY; your expectation is that the stock is going down in price. It is possible to legally sell stock you don't own; the process is called "shorting". Basically you sell high and buy low in that order (!?!) The missing stock is "covered" by other stocks and money in your trading account. (Although the very wealthy and connected can do it another way; see: Crime of the Century: Naked Short Selling)
Bonds -
This is basically debt. A bond is a loan of money to a company with a fixed interest rate and a due date. After the real property and assets of a company are added up, the value of bond issues is subtracted and that gives you the liquidation value of the company (the MONEY you can get if the company ceased to exist and its real property, assets, and intellectual property was sold).
(Normally, when a company goes bankrupt, the debt-holders are paid first, then the equity-holders. A grand exception to this was the GM "bailout", where the bond-holders got completely screwed and the equity in the company was given to the auto workers unions. Don't buy GM stock or bonds ever...)
Treasury bonds and municipal bonds are debt the government owes to bond-holders with interest paid from taxes.
Bonds can be traded before they "mature" (debt contract has met its expiration date), and speculation in bonds is based upon the future value of the debt versus the future value of the money your trading.
There exist Mutual Funds that are made up entirely of bond investments.
Futures -
Futures are "derivatives"; they are not equity, debt or commodity, but a speculation on the value of equity, debt, or commodity at some time in the... future. Two parties agree (a "contract") upon a value and a time and exchange money. The money is generally for a fraction of the value of the item the contract is based upon. Investing in futures is different from equities and bonds in that the contract and target a price that might be higher or lower than the current price. Your REWARD is more value if the value of the underlying asset moves in the direction of your speculation. Your RISK is that it doesn't PLUS. And futures are also LEVERAGED: you are putting up only a fraction of the value of the underlying asset, and the REWARD and RISK are the ENTIRE value of the underlying asset relative to the contract (!?!). YES, THAT SHOULD BE SCARY.
Futures typically trade equities (stocks are the underlying value) or blocks of equities (Exchange Traded Funds), or commodities (gold, wheat, corn, pork bellies, orange juice (See: Trading Places))
(Some Mutual Funds and ETFs use futures to create their products. There exist "bearish" ETFs that speculate on the market declining (you buy the ETF looking for its price to go up when the prices on the underlying market go down.)) (Bears pull DOWN with their claws.)
Options -
An option is a "derivative", typically on an equity or another derivative (and you wondered why there are "bubbles"?) An option is a bet that a stock will go in a particular direction in a particular period of time. If at the end of that period of time the stock meets that goal, the option holder gets to buy or sell the equity at that price. The option has a "premium" which is a value (a small fraction of the price) that the buyer will lose if the stock does not meet that price.
A CALL goes UP in value as the stock goes UP but also loses value over time; a PUT goes UP in value as the stock goes DOWN, but it also loses value over time.
Options can be bought or sold but not necessarily in that order (!?!):
Buy Call option - expect the stock to go UP
Sell Call option - expect the stock to go DOWN or SIDEWAYS
Buy Put option - expect the stock to go DOWN
Sell Put option - expect the stock to go UP or SIDEWAYS
The most common usage is to buy a PUT as an "insurance policy" against the stock going down in prices, and selling a CALL is like paying yourself a dividend (a "covered call", where the CALL you are selling is covered by the stock you own.)
Monday, May 26, 2014
Remote Viewing the Financial Markets - Part 1 - Trading
Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in LearnRV or the products they sell. I'm just a happy customer willing to share some experiences. I will warn you early and often not to commit a single red penny to any investment until you understand the risks.
To start trading equities (stocks and collections of stocks), derivatives (financial products related to the value of equities without actually involving the equities themselves [thus: derived-from]), and currency exchange (the relative value of one sovereign nation's currency against that of another), you have to first get your head wrapped around the concept of THE TRADE.
Trading is trading: you are exchanging one item for another where the one party and another party come to an mutually agreed, uncoersed decision of value for exchange. The result of the trade is the "satisfaction of needs" for both parties (see: Austrian school of economics and Marginal Utliity).
Most of us WORK: WORK is a trade of YOUR TIME, KNOWLEDGE, DILIGENCE for MONEY from your end, and MONEY for THE VALUE YOU BRING TO THE ENTERPRISE for you employer. You have time and the need for money to satisfy your other needs; your employer must run an enterprise and needs people doing work and creating value for him. You come upon an equitable trade for the value you bring and the money he can commit to the generation of that value.
This is where the law of supply and demand come in to play. Each of you have a supply:
Trading financial products is no different. Now you have all that nice money from the time you've spent with the employer. After you've paid YOUR TAXES, paid the mortgage (or the rent) and the power, and your car payment, and food, and etc, you have money left over to use for RISK CAPITAL. RISK CAPITAL is money you don't need to survive, and with which you can find an financial product that will REWARD you for taking a RISK by TRADING MONEY for SOMETHING THAT MIGHT INCREASE IN VALUE FASTER THAN THE MONEY.
That MIGHT is important. Using the LearnRV Remote View the Financial Markets that MIGHT becomes a WILL... assuming you follow the process and stay in structure. Beyond that you really have to understand the mechanics and that ANYTHING WITH A HUMAN BEING IN THE PROCESS IS PRONE TO ERROR and, perhaps... FAILURE...
To start trading equities (stocks and collections of stocks), derivatives (financial products related to the value of equities without actually involving the equities themselves [thus: derived-from]), and currency exchange (the relative value of one sovereign nation's currency against that of another), you have to first get your head wrapped around the concept of THE TRADE.
Trading is trading: you are exchanging one item for another where the one party and another party come to an mutually agreed, uncoersed decision of value for exchange. The result of the trade is the "satisfaction of needs" for both parties (see: Austrian school of economics and Marginal Utliity).
Most of us WORK: WORK is a trade of YOUR TIME, KNOWLEDGE, DILIGENCE for MONEY from your end, and MONEY for THE VALUE YOU BRING TO THE ENTERPRISE for you employer. You have time and the need for money to satisfy your other needs; your employer must run an enterprise and needs people doing work and creating value for him. You come upon an equitable trade for the value you bring and the money he can commit to the generation of that value.
This is where the law of supply and demand come in to play. Each of you have a supply:
- your clock goes around twice just like everybody else's, and you have a well determined set of skills, experiences, and attitudes that may or may not have value as it is applied
- the employer's clock goes around twice every day also, and he needs to pay your salary from his supply of MONEY AFTER he has paid his TAXES, stockholders dividends (or improve the value of the stock... same thing by different means...), debt service, rent, power, suppliers, and other employees
- "Hey, man, I need to make this much an hour and get these bennies..."
- "Son, you gotta show up at 6AM and leave at 9PM because that's the way the business works..."
Trading financial products is no different. Now you have all that nice money from the time you've spent with the employer. After you've paid YOUR TAXES, paid the mortgage (or the rent) and the power, and your car payment, and food, and etc, you have money left over to use for RISK CAPITAL. RISK CAPITAL is money you don't need to survive, and with which you can find an financial product that will REWARD you for taking a RISK by TRADING MONEY for SOMETHING THAT MIGHT INCREASE IN VALUE FASTER THAN THE MONEY.
That MIGHT is important. Using the LearnRV Remote View the Financial Markets that MIGHT becomes a WILL... assuming you follow the process and stay in structure. Beyond that you really have to understand the mechanics and that ANYTHING WITH A HUMAN BEING IN THE PROCESS IS PRONE TO ERROR and, perhaps... FAILURE...
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Remote Viewing the Financial Markets - Preview
So there are a few of you who have asked for some guidance on the RVFM process. Unfortunately, I really can't discuss the contents of the LearnRV RVFM DVD; Major Ed Dames and his team has spent too much blood and treasure establishing these processes to be just givin' them away here.
However, I can post some material on the mechanics of the RVFM process. The DVD actually does a decent job of introducing the subject, and a little (or probably a lot) of reading and making use of the on-line market trading tools, especially the market tradnig simulators, can get you most of the way.
I'm an engineer, computer scientist, and mathematician, and so the use of many of these tools is fairly obvious to me, but for others it might not be so clear. What I promised was to post some material here to help those folks along.
Darling Wife and I trade using the TD Ameritrade ThinkOrSwim platform. We originally took market trading training from a company called InvesTools which acquired ThinkOrSwim, which was subsequently acquired by TD (Toronto Dominion) Ameritrade. The ThinkOrSwim, or ToS, platform was built by traders at the Chicago Merchantile Exchange to provide a better, faster, smarter interactive platform for trading derivatives (equities options and futures). The tool supports trading these derivatives as well as trading the equities (aka stocks) and The tool can be quite intimidating, and there are a variety of materials available on the site.
And the best feature is that you can get started for FREE; sign up for the PaperMoney trading simulator and try your hand without committing a dime to the process. You really don't want to get into the market until you've established a set of trading rules for yourself (see: Turtle Traders) and have had success trading without the emotion attached to your hard-earned money being AT RISK... AND ITS ALL AT RISK!
Here is a screen-shot of the top-level screen in PaperMoney... it looks just like the live money site (borders and such are in different colors to keep one from trading the wrong account).
To get started, sign up and just play with it. You can't break anything (and if you do, post to these guys 'cuz they love to know what on the platform doesn't work...)
To be continued...
"Medium" and Remote Viewing
I am re-watching one of my favorite TV programs on Netflix: "Medium". I really like the series for its better-than-most-television production values (Glenn Gordon Caron of "Moonlighting"), great acting (especially the kids), and its down-to-earth writing. Given the subject matter, that last point may be confusing... but it's always been said that we all possess psychic abilities to one degree or another, and the almost-completely-normal family depicted in the series with dialog that is recognizable for any of many conversations we have had with co-workers, kids, parents, children, neighbors, strangers is almost unnatural for Hollywood.
Darling Wife and I started our Remote Viewing adventure in 2005. This is the very same year as the publication of Allison Dubois' book Don't Kiss Them Good-bye and the start of the TV series derived from that work, and for which she consulted, "Medium" Medium on NBC 2005-2011.In the summer and fall of 2005 we arranged to attend the LearnRV Level I course with the intent of having our vacation that year be to "inner space".
What I find interesting is the presentation of Allison's psychic perceptions resemble the expected results of an RV session. The data that Allison receives in her dreams, from the dead, and from places and people can be received in archetypical, metaphorical, or concrete terms. Determining hich is which is rich fodder for the dramatic dialog of the series.
LearnRV consists of three parts: cue-ing (asking the question in a formal way that conforms to LearnRV), view-ing (performing the RV in the LearnRV structure) and analytical-doing (after all of the viewing is done, THEN think about it). Allison does not have control over her process; the information comes to her when it wants to. Allison does not decide when to receive (when to view) the information - it happens mostly when she is asleep and unconscious. And her "process" does not really separate the experiencing from the analysis.
Inevitably her first analysis of a "message from beyond" is wrong. The drama is the Allison character acting upon that wrong analysis. That doesn't keep her from revising her estimate as additional information comes in. Her tenacity to follow the information trail to resolution makes her a hero. Fortunately, the information keeps coming in until the situation has been resolved, which makes for good television "happy endings". (Most of the time: one of the brave features of "Medium" as a TV series is that sometimes the bad guys get away... which is just, again, what happens in real life...)
In Ed Dames' LearnRV method of Remote Viewing, bright, clear, picture-like ,un-ambivalent, early information is considered Analytical Over-Lay (AOL); this is the conscious mind attempting to categorize information in recognizable form. The process calls for careful analysis after the session and subsequent RV sessions to clarify the first article data, establish its context, clarify its boundaries, and wash out errors such as AOL.
Why she must leap to these conclusions so quickly is also part of the drama. All of the psychic events in involve life, health, death, crime and/or murder. The character of Allison is compelled to respond with whatever she has at hand to keep people alive, and to bring people who kill to justice. The rightness of the data is obvious to her, and she is frustrated that others don't share her initial conviction. Her willingness to bend, ignore, and break the rules of causal justice keep the viewers glued to their sets.
She also FEELS the data, because she is experiencing it almost as if experiencing it first-hand, frequently through the eyes of the victim. The LearnRV process includes steps to throw off such emotion (Aethetic Impact - our own emotions stimulated by the data, Emotional Impact - the emotions perceived in the person or persons at the site) as they are not conducive to continuing to receive data. Every single episode Allison wakes from sleep with a start because of an emotional event in her dream, and gets cut off from additional information that may make her data more complete and valuable.
It is necessary to the series narrative that there be people who are not psychic who believe that Allison is on to things even if they can't act upon it rationally or legally. Her boss, her police detective partner, and her saint of a husband all point out the flaws in her theory... and sometimes not gently. In RV it is necessary to take a hard look at results and measure them against feedback in training to gently (and sometimes not gently) guide the viewer to more correct structure.
To be continued...
Darling Wife and I started our Remote Viewing adventure in 2005. This is the very same year as the publication of Allison Dubois' book Don't Kiss Them Good-bye and the start of the TV series derived from that work, and for which she consulted, "Medium" Medium on NBC 2005-2011.In the summer and fall of 2005 we arranged to attend the LearnRV Level I course with the intent of having our vacation that year be to "inner space".
What I find interesting is the presentation of Allison's psychic perceptions resemble the expected results of an RV session. The data that Allison receives in her dreams, from the dead, and from places and people can be received in archetypical, metaphorical, or concrete terms. Determining hich is which is rich fodder for the dramatic dialog of the series.
LearnRV consists of three parts: cue-ing (asking the question in a formal way that conforms to LearnRV), view-ing (performing the RV in the LearnRV structure) and analytical-doing (after all of the viewing is done, THEN think about it). Allison does not have control over her process; the information comes to her when it wants to. Allison does not decide when to receive (when to view) the information - it happens mostly when she is asleep and unconscious. And her "process" does not really separate the experiencing from the analysis.
Inevitably her first analysis of a "message from beyond" is wrong. The drama is the Allison character acting upon that wrong analysis. That doesn't keep her from revising her estimate as additional information comes in. Her tenacity to follow the information trail to resolution makes her a hero. Fortunately, the information keeps coming in until the situation has been resolved, which makes for good television "happy endings". (Most of the time: one of the brave features of "Medium" as a TV series is that sometimes the bad guys get away... which is just, again, what happens in real life...)
In Ed Dames' LearnRV method of Remote Viewing, bright, clear, picture-like ,un-ambivalent, early information is considered Analytical Over-Lay (AOL); this is the conscious mind attempting to categorize information in recognizable form. The process calls for careful analysis after the session and subsequent RV sessions to clarify the first article data, establish its context, clarify its boundaries, and wash out errors such as AOL.
Why she must leap to these conclusions so quickly is also part of the drama. All of the psychic events in involve life, health, death, crime and/or murder. The character of Allison is compelled to respond with whatever she has at hand to keep people alive, and to bring people who kill to justice. The rightness of the data is obvious to her, and she is frustrated that others don't share her initial conviction. Her willingness to bend, ignore, and break the rules of causal justice keep the viewers glued to their sets.
She also FEELS the data, because she is experiencing it almost as if experiencing it first-hand, frequently through the eyes of the victim. The LearnRV process includes steps to throw off such emotion (Aethetic Impact - our own emotions stimulated by the data, Emotional Impact - the emotions perceived in the person or persons at the site) as they are not conducive to continuing to receive data. Every single episode Allison wakes from sleep with a start because of an emotional event in her dream, and gets cut off from additional information that may make her data more complete and valuable.
It is necessary to the series narrative that there be people who are not psychic who believe that Allison is on to things even if they can't act upon it rationally or legally. Her boss, her police detective partner, and her saint of a husband all point out the flaws in her theory... and sometimes not gently. In RV it is necessary to take a hard look at results and measure them against feedback in training to gently (and sometimes not gently) guide the viewer to more correct structure.
To be continued...
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